Summer's Approaching, so Goals

you have arrived |

I kind of hate the word "goals".

It's too formal.  It makes me think that things are set in stone, which makes my inner Rebel go all I don't THINK so.  I haven't come up with a better word yet.  Intentions, maybe.  (Though that word's loaded for me, too.)

Regardless, I have Stuffs I Wanna Do This Summer, and "goals" is about the only way to put it, so...there we are.

So without further ado:

Stuffs I Wanna Do This Summer

(with "summer" being defined as "until the rain is below about 55 degrees-ish", since summer in the PNW can be...unpredictable.)

  1. Two camping trips minimum.
    I have a powerful need for some tent and tree time this year.  In the past two summers I've been here, logistics have been an issue.  This year, not so much.  So I'm taking the dog and heading out to somewhere green at LEAST twice.  In fact, I'll need to set those dates here very soon, just so I can post about them for some accountability.
  2. PNW 101 List.
    While I haven't been actively working the list since I made it (again, logistics of having an elderdog that can't be left alone for very long and can't go with me, etc.), I have been checking things off of it.  This summer, I want to tackle it like a linebacker, and maybe place a few letterboxes (or find existing ones!) while I'm out there exploring.
  3. Blog more regularly.  (1x week minimum)
    This is largely for me and, obviously, has already started.  I keep a paper journal, but I like being able to put my pictures somewhere with my witty observations about life and local travel.  (Ha! Ahem.)  Plus, I feel like writing in public has more accountability.  So there, writer's block.  Chew on that. :)
  4. WONDER/WANDER (zine)
    This is secondary to the actual wandering (as defined by the wander society, see the link above), but with the Every Day Everyday thing, I've kind of fallen in love with layouts of sketching and writing together.  I want to document my summer wanders and put them together into some kind of publication.  Probably a zine, definitely called WONDER.  I'm aiming for a Septemberish completion date.
  5. Bind all the Things 
    I've been working on binding all the books that I had stuff for, largely to use up the materials I'd been hoarding during my Weirdo Prepper-Adjacent Moments after the tornado.  I've got most of them cut and assembled, and most just need either a cover design and/or stitching.  I'd like to get all those done in the coming weeks, and throw them on etsy.  I need the space. :)
  6. Finish Outstanding Writing Projects
    There are a few.  Plus, I'm in a competition that I'll talk more about once I've got a few challenges under my belt.  But my list of Things To Write is longer than my compiled Time In Which To Write Them at this point, and the balance throws off my mojo.  Time to buck up and just finish some things that have been started.
  7. Letterboxing!
    I will totally be writing entries about this at some point.  Now that I'm back out here where hiking's an actual Thing, (and the logistics stuff is cleared up, natch) I've been 'boxing like a mad fiend.  I love that it gets me out of the house and walking, and enjoying the amazing PNW wildlands.  I'm aiming for a P(lace) count of 75 (I'm at 53 now), and a F(ind) count of 150 (I'm at 130 now).  Those goals are more than doable.  I may need to adjust them upward, even.
  8. Start Using My Stuff.
    I have a bag of stuff here that I wanted to use for particular projects (and, to be honest, some of it just because it was shiny).  Once I'm done with my paintings (another entry, coming soon), I want to dive into the Bag o' Awesome and do what I can with it.  I may love making All The Things; I may not.  But I want to try it so I know for sure.  (It's stitching-related, for the record.)
  9. Bike 100 miles.
    Jezebel and me....we've got a date.  I'm getting her tuned up as we speak, and then it's on.  100 miles doesn't sound like a lot to a "real" cyclist, but for me, who can get winded walking to the fridge to get another ice cream sandwich, it's a lofty goal, but a reachable one.  Again, I might adjust that up if I blow it out of the water too soon.
So there we go.  Nine things while the sun shines.

(Of course, the sun shining thing is kind of malleable up here in the trees, but you get my drift.)

I have some other stuff that's kind of minor -- reading a certain amount, establishing routines, finishing challenges.  But for the most part, my biggun's are there.

What are you guys doing this summer?


  1. I'm childcare for my new niece this summer, which I love, but a baby doesn't leave much time for other things! I just want to make more art!

    1. Sounds like a fun summer! :D Hope you get to Make All The Things, too!
